This Is An Example Video

This one is hosted on YouTube


And Another Example Video

We can place the ‘Face’ video here - I hope to be able to do that by 20210104 - or of course any video. You’ll see this one has a caption below. The next example will display a film hosted on Vimeo.

Knees and blocking are what keep the deck of the boat from racking or moving in unwanted ways. Ours are made from the stumps we dug out of the ground around...

A Vimeo Video Example - Artist’s Artist: The Process of Gary Lichtenstein

Artist's Artist is a profile of master screen printer Gary Lichtenstein. This is an exploration of Gary's creative process as he collaborates with photographer Janette Beckman on her photos of hip-hop legends (Slick Rick, Big Daddy Kane, LL Cool J, etc) and visual artist / founding Def Jam creative director Cey Adams.

Testing only ignore content - this is just to check that Vimeo loads and plays in an acceptable manner.